Ashley France-Howell

Meet your host

Hey, family! I’m Ashley, and I want to thank you so much for joining me on this journey. The idea of this podcast had been on my mind for a while, but I had been too nervous to start it. Seeing names being turned into hashtags and videos of Black people being hurt and killed by the police was so disheartening. But I didn’t know what I could do. A lot of the time, our stories are quickly passed by and sometimes not told at all. I want to change that. I want to tell the stories of the oppressed and the unknown. I want people to understand why Black people are cautious about living our lives with no worries. I hope you can take something away from this podcast and be able to share what you have learned. I hope that our relationship with the police can be improved in the future. But we must remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Contact Ashley for more info.

The HUDSpod Team


Research and Writing - Ra’Shawn Howell

Hey, everyone. I am Ashley’s husband, the man behind the woman. In support of my wife, I assumed the role of researcher and writer. In this capacity, I dig to uncover the many facets of the stories that my wife presents to you. This is my way of using my gift of literature to enlighten my community about stories that directly affect/impact us. I know that it can be enraging hearing about these stories, but we want to bring awareness to those that are lesser known. As this podcast continues, so too will I write about the stories that affect us as a community.